# 2.14 Between CONTROL and SURRENDER
DERRICK ANTHONY YOUNG born and raised in Chicago lives currently in New York City
his three major careers before his current vocation:
- choreographer, dance teacher and vocal coach director and producer of shows all over the US until the age of 35
- vice president of a major bank for 10 years in Los Angeles and New York City
- art figure model in the US and Europe
"The mind is always about control. The heart is always about surrender. You more you are surrender, the more freedom you get." Derrick
Unser Projekt: IMMACULATE https://www.cabirio.com/out-of-the-box/
'DAZWISCHEN' eros vereint Text und Gesang Roberto Guerra, Musik und Keyboard Henrik Kairies Musikproduktion und Mix Felix Lehmann
Das Video zu DAZWISCHEN https://vimeo.com/352029443 Produktion cabirio productions
mehr zu eros vereint https://www.cabirio.com/musik/
'DAZWISCHEN' und 'TRAURIG SEIN IST OBSOLET' von eros vereint sind auf allen Plattformen veröffentlicht!
Feedbacks erwünscht! Hier alle Kontakte:
Roberto Guerra, Schauspieler https://www.roberto-guerra.com @robertoguerraberlin Showreel 2021 https://vimeo.com/530358894
Kristina Spitzley, Produzentin @kristinaspitzley
cabirio productions https://www.cabirio.com https://m.facebook.com/cabirio @cabirio_p https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-WZfhA7MZ8
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